A love story of how a lady got married to a man who stalked her for ten years.

stalker - determinant board
It was a hot Friday afternoon and I was in my car waiting for my sister when I got really bored so I decided to do something stup*d. The opportunity did not come for a while, so I stayed in my car gloating over an article in a mag I had read a million times. After a while, I caught sight of a very fine boy and I kept on looking at him, I didn't care if he noticed but I didn't realize the mistake I made til he came up to me. We started talking and I found him to be a very boring person. I was begging myself to end the conversation until finally he stopped because I told him my sister had come. He said he would love to see me again but I didn't - in fact I never wanted to see him again. One day, my friends and I were talking about celebrity stalkers and how sickening it could be,  we all laughed at the possibility of being stalked to death till someone came to tell me there was someone waiting  for me outside. I excused myself and went only to see that boring boy. He told me how he got to know about my whereabouts which I found scary! I tried  to talk him into forgetting we ever met but he kept on saying he needed to see me everyday. He asked me for my number and I said a big NO!  He was a still begging me when I walked out on him.

I thought I had finished with him but the next day as I was about to sleep, I received a phone call from HIM! I asked him how he got my number, I didn't realize I was shouting, all he kept saying was he was so happy to hear my voice and I got so frustrated that I dropped the phone on him. The next day, I was walking to my class when I noticed someone was behind me, I thought it was a casual passerby but when I turned to look I found out it was HIM! He looked at me and gave an evil smile, I started walking faster till I got to my class. I told my parents and sisters about it, they were all laughing! My sisters said I was the one who caused it and so I should be the one to end it. In the night I  kept repeating to myself "this must end". Anytime I left a lecture to go for another one, this same guy would follow me, I would just walk faster repeating to myself "he is not a stalker, he is not a stalker". It got to a point where I got so frustrated and approached him and shouted "Why are you stalking me?" He just smiled and didn't answer. I was so afraid, I didn't know what to do again, I knew from then on it was a stalking situation and I had to stop it.

I started praying about it and told my friends about it, they said they would help, so we cooked up a plan. On the planned day, we caught sight of my stalker as usual and my friends who were really huge boys threatened him, telling him he should never try stalking me again. The boy was just asking why and giving stupid reasons for stalking me. The argument got so fierce that my friends beat him up really badly and he was hospitalized. My friends felt bad about it, I did too but I was really glad the stalking days were. Ten years passed and I was working in a business firm but I was a very lonely person. No one wanted to date me because they found me very boring. I thought I would never get married 'till one day I met the man of my dreams. He was not really attractive and he had this huge scar on his face but was nice, sweet and so caring. After a while we got married.

One day, my husband and I went to his parents house, my husband was talking to his parents and some other people so I decided to tour the house. I got to this room that had a rusty lock where curiosity got the better of me, so I pushed the door open. I saw that it was a dusty room with a small bed and a small desk. I walked to the desk and to my amazement I saw pictures of ME and notes say "Lillian and I together forever ". I was so scared, I felt like my past was catching up with me. I turned to leave blocking it from my mind that it was my husband that was my stalker, and there he was: my husband, my stalker............ And he smiled.


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