Gadgets rules man
Do you think gadgets are for humans or human for gadgets? We live in an age of information, a world of technology as we call it where almost everything is at the service of technology. It has made a once primitive, crude, complex and complicated life of the human person to take the hue of a much modern, refined, simple and easy one. Nothing seems to elude the grasps of this "modern god" not even the human person who bears the indelible divine print of God. Everything seems to come to light at the creation account as much so, that if you ask a person to explain something to you, he/she will generally reply by saying "Google it". Many are occupied with smart phones, texting, talking or surfing the net; or the case whereby people go on a date with their phones and gadgets of all sort as a lunch companion. People cannot even sit through a meeting without peering at their phones. Little wonder then, is the fact that those who cannot afford such or are not engaged with such gadgets rae considered as one who is of the stone age. This explains why all and sundry not even children are somewhat left out in this technological escapade.

What is more; is that electronic devices have become an extension of us. Almost like another body part. People hook them on to their waist bands; throw in their purses or even place in their bra's. It sets some into a desperate panic mode as they will feel that their whole life has come to a halt when these gadgets are misplaced, stolen or out dated. They wonder how they will get by without it. There is more desperate urgency in locating a lost device than there is when one misplaces the holy biblee, or in looking at ways to end hunger and crises. People will literally camp outside of the electronics stores all day or constantly visiting the various online shopping markets in order to be one of the first to det the lastest and greatest cell phone device. It is almost like a trophy to which they can tout about to their friends or colleagues. It becomes a thing of pride to be the first person using the lastes gadgets like phones. ipads, tvs, power banks st cetra. On the contrary, it is very rare to hear anyone boast about something meaningful, for example, the last time you heard someone excited to share that they are making a difference in their community, or that they are content with what they have

Unfortunately, the availability of these technological innovations has made verbal communiication with families, friends and loved ones obsolete. Individual can easily and effortlessly send a  one line text to a friends or loved one and it will be enough to say that he/she has checked in with that person. Then they are off the hook, so to speak, to continue on with their daily technological living. This degenerated into a situation whereby people walk on the streets with the full attention engrossed on their gadgets that they fail to notice others around them. Those who have the courage to say 'hello' they are met with a shocked looking face. Often the receiving person will not even reciprocate the 'hello' as they fear it may initiate some sort of unwanted discussion. Generally they will hold their head down (avoiding eye contact at all costs) and keep on walking absent-mindedly. These attitudes and many others raise questions such as: what has happend to the "good old days" when people actually looked into each other's eyes when they spoke? Those times when one knew all his or her neighbors? When physical presence meant a lot to one another? Not today certainly, when most people do not even speak to themselves let alone their neighbors who at best a simole hand wave is enough to be deemed as being adequately friendly to your neighbor.

Science and technology keep on exploring and inventing to the extent that we are now talking  about "transhumanism". We are not far off from being this, are we?  Many today gladly attach bluetooth devices to our ears; gladly wear glasses that allow us to better surf the net; some even implant microchips under their skin without even a second thought. Such people are not bothered by questions such as: what is it that makes us human?  Where has our humanity gone?  How far are we willing to go, before we reach the point of no return? The human species is gradually losing it's identity to technology in a world that is swiftly becoming a "global palour". Human beings are gradually becoming slaves and servants to technology instead of the other way round. Technology is gradually dictating for human beings and controlling them instead of the reverse being the case. The sense of togetherness, love, comfort, unity, sharing that are supposed to be existent in the human society is giving way to the divine being created by the technology. It is therefore, pertinent to go back to the drawing board and realize that we are humans
We must realize that smiling at strangers, leaving our cell phones in silent mode or putting them in the pocket or handbags when meeting with friends for lunch gives room for attention and proper communication. Being with family members and friends to discuss and interact devoid of any intruder device giving room to the desired listing ear, warm and comfort.

If we keep on this technological path at this rapid pace, humans as we know, will become anything short of humans; nothing more than walking computers and machines. The more we serve technology in our lives the more we further alienate ourselves from our authentic selves and from others. And this leaves us in the illusion that we are developing and going sophisticated at the expense of our humanity. Thus, this is a call to retrace our steps. It is a call to that self-awareness of who we truly are. We are to be masters not servants to technology because technology was made for man and not man for technology.

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